Register your trademark as soon as possible – Trademark Registration
When is the best time to register your trademark and what are things must be considered are discussed here. Here the significant things are presented in a way to make you understand better.
This is what the question often asked in the business area. On one hand, entrepreneurs are very excited to register their trademark right away before someone starts using the trade name. On the other side, people usually think that trademark registration is expensive and time consuming, especially when the product or a business not yet ready.
It is actually a good thing to analyse before pouring money into a business and ensure that its likelihood for success. But, personally the strong suggestion is to register a trademark as soon as possible.
The reasons behind that are:
- First one is registering a trademark prevents someone to use your name or a similar one.
- The second thing is very important that a successful application ensures that your business name or product name is truly available and you are not taking someone else’s trademark.
Protect your trademark name as soon as possible:-
Generally, business has common law rights to a unique name when it is used in commercial purposes. A common law right has its own limitations that it works only on the specific geographic area where you can challenge another business for using the name which is similar to yours.
A standard mark is officially called as the actual use trademark which requires your service or product is market ready and you are using that mark already in commerce.
Identify red flags as early as possible:
Take a hard look at the likelihood of confusion between your marks with someone else out there on their market. It’s not only about the identical name but also the similarities in the spelling and the pronunciation. This is why the thorough trademark and name search is required before submitting your application. It is always good to catch any red flags as early as possible in the process.
If the proposed name is legally available, then you would not infringe on someone else’s property. Then there is no possible way to receive any cease and desist letter from another company.
Register your mark:
It is very worse that we are spending months, even years to develop a brand, but in later if we come to know that another company already owns that particular name, then it would be a great pressure in our business life. In order to avoid all those issues, it is better to apply for a trademark early to identify and analyse the potential legal issues before investing all our time and energy into the name.
In business and building your brand, being proactive is the best way to move. There is no reason to delay your trademark to get registered. Do not put yourself at legal risk, do your trademark protection as soon as possible.
Things you must know while registering a trademark:
Trademark is our brand identifier. You can do trademark in all the ways from sound to smells to holograms to colours. Trademark is a way of referring your brand.
Avoid generic words:
We can’t mention our product with the general term. It is must be more specific about the product that you are going to brand. Generic words are non-distinctive and trademark experts’ states as non-distinctive marks are very weak and that cannot be held up in court.
Don’t overestimate your trademark:
Some may have over confidence about their mark that it will cover all the goods and services no matter what they are or who else has them.
Trademark ownership of one class would not allow the different class of services of goods using the same trademark name.
You can only enforce if found any similarity with others mark that creates a confusion in the public mind
For e.g.:
Dove Soap and Dove Chocolate.
Though these two products share the same name, but it is registered from different companies. Two trademarks are associated with different goods so this can be possible. Because, one is regarding with the beauty products and other one is associated with chocolate. So, here I could say that trademarks with different goods or services can be registered until it has no confusion.
Always protect your trademark:
Once your trademark got registered, you have nothing to worry about. If it is registered properly, it will not expire but still you can lose your trademark’s power in a number of ways. There may be an improper usage by third parties, employees or because of knock-offs. It is indeed to be very cautious about the use of the trademark and the protection of the mark.
Don’t forget to trademark your tagline:
Tagline, it is so important for your business because that only can easily connect with the people easily. It is the lifeblood of many products and services, it is almost iconic. Being an entrepreneur, it is very important to protect your tagline where you can turn up that into business.
Thus, avoiding these toxic blunders can make your trademark stand so unique.
We “Solubilis Corporate Services”, the leading business consultants who has been in this field for years and provide best possible business services. Trademark registration can be done within the shortest duration of time and at an affordable cost.